Nina F. Wiesmueller, 85, of Fox Lake passed away peacefully on Tuesday, January 21, 2025 at the Golden Years of Randolph. Nina was born on January 3, 1940 the daughter of Custer and Violette (Wheling) Werner in Hartford, Wisconsin. She attended Dodge County Normal School and also UW of Whitewater graduating with a degree inContinue Reading
Tribute Video
Nina was such a ray of sunshine for my elderly Aunt, Beulah Reff. She visited her often and took her on rides. Even after I moved in with my aunt, Nina continued to visit and always brought a smile to Beulah's face.
We were very lucky to have her in our lives.

My condolences to you and your family. May your memories you shared with Nina help you through this difficult time now and in the future.
Words cannot begin to tell you how sincerely sorry we are But we know Nina is home. So sorry for you Glen. Think of all the memories. The memory video was so good and heartwarming. May she rest in peace. God bless
So sorry to hear of Nina's passing. She was a wonderful lady and I know you will miss her, Glen. God Bless and hang on to all the memories.
Glen, I am vey saddened to hear of Nina's passing. She was a warm and lovely lady and a joy to know. You will find comfort in memories of happy times shared and knowing she is at peace heaven. You have my warmest and deepest condolences. Rod
Glen, this is mick, I want to extend my deepest sympathy to you for your loss. Nina I sure is with our lord Jesus Christ in heaven today
Our sincere condolences to you, Glen.
Glenn so sorry to hear of your loss. We cannot leave you with any words that would take away your pain. One thing I do know our hope of immortality is based on Christ alone. Christ is alive, we have hope for the present and hope for life beyond the grave..
Rejoicing that Nina is in heaven now! Our sympathies are with you, Glen, as you mourn the loss of Nina. I remember the time I spent with you both during student teaching way back in 2006. We still use the pink and the camouflage blankets that Nina crocheted while I was there! Blessed be her memory.
Our family is blessed to have had the opportunity to know Nina (and Glen). May God give comfort to you Glen and know that Nina is rejoicing with her Savior in heaven.
In memory of Nina F. Wiesmueller, Amanda Vant Hoff lit a candle
Dear Mom. You and Dad welcomed me as a son when I first came to your home as an excange student many years ago. Since then we have been able to meet on many occasions, both on your trips to Norway and when I have returned to Wisconsin, by myself or with my family. When mourning the loss, I'm also grateful for my American Mom and the impact you had on my life. You will be missed.

Glenn, our sincere sympathy in the loss of Nina. We shared teaching together at Lincoln School in Hartford for many years. It was evident her love of the outdoors, especially fishing with you and living on the lake. May you hold close all the memories you shared together.
Margie and Dan Keuler
Nina was a caring person who loved life and people. She and her husband shared their home with many exchange students. She will be truly missed. God speed!