Jerald A. Schaalma, 55, of Juneau passed away July 10, 2023 at home surrounded by family. Jerry was born to Alfred and Barbara (Hammann) Schaalma on August 10, 1967 in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin and graduated Dodgeland High School in 1985. On December 13, 1986 he was united in marriage to Brenda L Yerges at St John LutheranContinue Reading
Our deepest sympathies to you all.
Jerry was such a sweet man, with a goofy personality. It was a pleasure to get to know him. Lots of love and prayers to the family at this time.
Sincere sympathy prayers to Jerry's family. He was my "last minute haircut" customer for several years. He was kind and had a wonderful sense of humor and much love for his family.
Sorry for loss and sending prayers for the family . He drove for us Curt Truck Services. Curt and Judy Schulz
Love ya cuzz I kn I won't have a hoedown with out thinking of you

I had the pleasure of meeting Jerry when I became a dispatcher at Osborn and Son Trucking. We would chat everything he stopped in to talk about life, family, Trucking and of course kart racing with the family.
My heart goes out to his entire family. I will miss him and have a Carmel apple from Waldvogels in remembrance of him! God bless you all
Dear family of Jerry,
Please accept my deepest sympathy as you grieve the loss of your loved one. May God comfort you, strengthen you, and fill you with His peace. You are in my thoughts and prayers.